Doctor Reveals The Best Food To Eat To Stay Hangover-Free
In a viral TikTok video, Dr. Neena Chandrasekaran, a pulmonary critical care physician, recommends eating cheese before drinking alcohol to help prevent hangovers. Cheese, being rich in protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates, can coat the stomach, which slows down the absorption of alcohol, reducing the likelihood of a hangover. This advice excited many of her followers, with several commenting on how cheese might be the secret behind the tradition of pairing it with wine.
Chandrasekaran explains that cheese’s high nutritional content helps the body metabolize alcohol more efficiently. Registered dietitian Blanca Garcia supports this by stating that having food in the stomach delays alcohol absorption into the bloodstream. Pairing cheese with fiber-rich foods like whole-wheat bread may further slow down alcohol absorption, helping to minimize its effects.
The video also mentions how cheese might protect the liver from damage caused by excessive drinking. A study published in the Journal of Functional Foods found that probiotic cheeses, such as goat and cheddar, contain bacteria that enhance liver function, helping to break down alcohol faster and reduce fat buildup and inflammation in the liver.
In addition to these benefits, cheese is high in B vitamins and calcium, two nutrients that alcohol depletes from the body. B vitamins are essential for energy and metabolism, while calcium supports nerve and muscle function. Eating cheese before drinking could help maintain these important nutrients.
Despite these benefits, Dr. Chandrasekaran emphasizes that the best approach is to drink responsibly and consult a healthcare professional if there are concerns about alcohol consumption. While cheese might help prevent hangovers, moderation is key.
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